

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, or sometimes describes a sentence as a whole.

Some particles in Biblical Hebrew are closely related to adverbs.


In Biblical Aramaic, an adverb usually either describes the action of a specific verb or describes an entire clause/sentence.

Describes a verb

There are several different ways that an adverb can describe a verb.

describes a place or location

A locative adverb describes something about the place or location where the action of the verb happens.

describes time

A temporal adverb describes something about the time when the action of the verb happens.

describes manner of action

An adverb of manner describes something about how the action of the verb happens.

describes quantity

A quantitative adverb describes an amount of something in relation to the action of the verb.

describes quality

A qualitative adverb describes the value of something in relation to the action of the verb.

Describes an entire clause or sentence

A sentential adverb describes an entire clause or sentence rather than an individual verb. Sentential adverbs are closely related to conjunctions.